Since Slow Doesn't Work, Try This


If you checked in with me on Monday you got a great peak at what's to come for rest of the fitness world in the coming months. 

No More Steady State Cardio.  It simply doesn't give you enough bang for the buck.

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If you're serious about getting rid of body fat and getting seriously lean; you now know that spending hours on any cardio machine and expecting it to transform your body, is being naive.  The research is just not supporting that idea.  Now if you have a significantly low body fat, that may be another story.  But for the majority of the people out there -- no more slow cardio.

But of course the next question ends up being, So what do I do now?  So many people have been doing steady state cardio for so long they have no idea where to go from there.  Now if you'll remember I discussed with you on Monday the idea of doing intervals.  Not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination, but man does it get results. 

However, if you're looking to get completely off of the cardio machines and try something new, check out this short clip of me getting my behind kicked with Battle Ropes (this video picks up at round 7).  Because of the nature of Battling Ropes they provide plenty of variety regarding the different movements you can do.  And WOW, talk about jacking up the heart rate and getting a total body workout -- without the banging on the joints (think hip and knee trauma from too much running).  I can't thank Jerry and Gus enough for the opportunity to work with them and get my feet wet on this experience.

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There are so many ways to change it up.  Keep the variety.  I'll help with a few more videos in the coming Fridays.  Bottom line -- stop wasting time doing something that doesn't work.  More studies on the way on Monday to give you more reasons to abandon the steady state cardio theory.

Here is an idea for a little change. You might even get a little chuckle out of me getting pushed.

It's time to Get on Track and Stay on Track!