tips for body transformation

Monday's Tips, Tricks, and Info that Matters

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The year continues to click right by us.  Here we are on the last week of August -- WOW does it fly.

But more importantly, it's Monday and time for some Tips, Tricks and Info to get you on your way to that new you!

First off, here is an article that is nothing short of terrifying -- really, I'm serious!  This article goes into detail about what will happen to the obesity rates in the United States if we don't seriously do something NOW!

Obesity Rates Are Projected to Soar -- Half the Population . .

My hope is that this next article will be key in avoiding the article I just shared with you.  I've seen it in other countries and a few progressive companies here in the U.S. have been using it.  How cool would it be to be paid to workout out?

The Benefits Of Exercise On The Clock

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When it comes to change, the hardest thing is to get started.  I remember speaking to many people over the years that tell me how difficult it is to get the process of change started.  Let's be honest, making changes in any part of your life can be challenging in the beginning.  I think this next article has some great ideas on how to get yourself on track.

4 Tips on How To Get Started

OK, so let's say you have been exercising and are just not seeing the results you want.  Or probably more to the point, you're having trouble staying on track.  You want to make the commitment, but it's a struggle to start or keep it going for any length of time.  You're not alone, lots of people have difficulty starting a new routine, let alone keeping it going till they see their results. This should help:

Ways Dieters Sabotage Themselves

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If we are going to avoid half of the population becoming obese by the year 2030, we better get started. 

Here's my part, passing on tips, tricks and info that matter.  And if that wasn't enough, I'm currently running DYNAMIC X --  "The Anti-Boot Camp Class", just in case you need a little jump start.  You can get all the info here: DYNAMIC X

Well there's your Monday dose.

Remember, you don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going!

Now Get On Track and Stay On Track!

It's Monday. Time for more Tricks, Tips, and Info

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Well, it's Monday again.  So of course it's time for some information that actually works and saves you the trouble of trying to make sense of all the media hype and misdirection.

The first article is for those of you who are wondering does timing of meals really matter when it comes to putting on or keeping your muscle.  Believe it or not, it actually does matter.  Research has confirmed something that those of us in the fitness community have known for a while, eating an easily digested meal, high in protein and low in fat, directly after your workout preserves and assists you in gaining muscle.  And remember the goal when it comes to transforming your body -- maintain your muscle and shedding the body fat. 

Here's a little help:  Muscle Building Effect of Protein Post Workout

The second article is an excellent read.  Especially for those of you who really don't want to keep track your fitness progress and goals.  Believe me when I say, it doesn't matter until you write it down.  I don't exactly know what mechanism it is, but there is something about writing down a goal that is very motivating and spurs a sense of accountability.  And what better way to achieve a goal than to make yourself truly accountable.  That's how success happens in any realm -- making yourself accountable.

Need a reason?  Here's 6 Easy Ways to Keep Your Fitness Goals On Track

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And then we move to an issue that is always concerning to me, people looking for shortcuts when it comes to weight loss. I have to admit, there are many "diets" that can provide short term weight loss and body transformation, but few of them are truly safe.  And to be quite honest, virtually none of them are something you can keep up for any length of time.  So why bother?  I mean seriously, transforming your body is a lifestyle change that takes time.  It is something that you do step by step -- getting a bit more consistent each day and each week.  Lasting body transformation is not something that happens quickly -- we're talking about changing habits here.  So even the most committed do back step once in a while.  But with a good program, consistent effort and realistic goals, You Can Do It!

Check this out:  The Danger of Weight Loss Shortcuts 

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(by the way, holding your breath as a form of body transformation, doesn't work)

Only the real deal info here --

So Get On Track and Stay On Track!

More Tips, Tricks, and Truths To Get Real Results!

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It seems like every time I turn around there is yet another pseudo-science article out that just doesn't seem to hold water no matter how you try to look at it.  I mean really now, if taking a magic pill or wearing special shoes actually worked by themselves why do we still have a climbing obesity rate?

Marketing is to sell products, not results. 

And yes, I do realize these infomercials show supposed results from real users of the product.  But let me assure you, just using the product was not the only modification they made to get those results.  Need an opinion other mine?  Check this out:

Fat Burning Myths Exposed

Over the years, I've read my share of articles when it comes to losing weight.  We all know the calories in versus calories out theory.  But I think this next link has hit on something very important and deeper than just the same old run of the mill approach.

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The Real Reason You Can't Lose Weight

And finally, as you'll recall last week when I shared with you how belly fat actually can be more dangerous to your health than fat being stored elsewhere on your body. This article takes it one step further and gives you 12 ready to use steps to cut your cancer risk now!

12 Easy Ways to Slash Your Cancer Risk (and Your Waistline)

So there you have it.  More Tips, Tricks and Truths to help you get healthier and achieve that summer body before the warmer weather gets here.

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Here's Some Truths, Tips, and Reality

Some days it feels as though I live on two different planets. 

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One based in the reality of research and what I've seen work, day in and day out with my clientele, as well as what I witness other fitness coaches doing with their clientele and getting results.

Then there's the other world.  The world of marketing and infomercials where product 'X" is said to achieve certain results based on science I never heard of, nor can find in the vast array of information on the internet.  So I'll call my guru and ask him and he can't make heads or tails of it either.  Which by the way usually means it's a load of poo. 

But that doesn't seem to stop the marketing machine from turning and producing more fantastic and mythical products that will allow you to exert minimal effort and yet get maximum results.  Sometimes it's so painful to watch I have to just switch off the TV -- yelling at the TV doesn't seem to be very effective -- though it feels darn good.  Let's deal in reality.

Do you think it matters where you hold body fat?  I mean besides the fact that you don't want it at all, do you think there is actually a place on your body where, having body fat in this area is actually more dangerous to your health?

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Believe it or not, there actually is a difference. Where your body stores body fat actually can determine the length and quality of your life.  Don't believe me?  Check this out and get motivated:

Belly Fat Study and Heart Disease

Want to lose that body fat, but not sure what was the best way -- interval training by far is the best way to lose body fat quickly and effectively.  As long as you do not have a history of heart disease or other coronary issues in your family, and with your doctor's permission, I would encourage anyone who is serious about transforming their body, to explore the outstanding benefits of interval training.

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Here's a recent study with even better reasons to explore the option:

Interval Training Study

OK, so now you're convinced and motivated to get more activity into your life.  But as we all know, just losing weight isn't the real key. 

No, not by a long shot.

The true key component to losing weight, is losing the right weight -- meaning body fat!  

Just stepping on the scale and seeing the number go down may make you feel better, but it doesn't mean you're getting any healthier. However, decreasing your overall body fat does mean you're adding years and quality to your life. 

Take my word for it. 

I've measured clients that weigh the exact same and have shown different body fat numbers. 

And guess what?

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They look a great deal different. You could be 120lbs and 15% body fat or you could be 120lbs and 30% body fat.  The person with the lower body fat will look leaner, have more energy, a higher quality of life and typically (bad personal habits excluded) a longer life span.

Need a home scale to help you stay on track that will give you reliable info and won't break the bank?

Best Bathroom Scales (be sure to click on the link that says "best bathroom scales")

There's your Truth, Tips, and some serious reality -- Now Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Want to Get LEAN?

I don't know exactly where I heard it, but there is a quote that goes something like this:

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" A truly wise person doesn't have all the answers.  But the truly wise person does know where to look for the answers."

I will readily admit I don't know everything.  But the funny thing about me is that I am willing to look long enough to find the information I need.

Over the past few weeks I provided you with meal options, diagrams on why it's important to eat on a regular basis, information regarding portion control, and a host of other items, sure to give you the info you need to create the changes you want to see in your body.

Well this Monday is no different.  I want to share with you an amazing article on the lessons other people have experienced when trying to lose weight and get lean. 


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Because all too often I think when we get frustrated in trying to achieve a goal, we think we are all alone in our experience.  Sometimes it helps to know that someone else has gone through the same thing -- and how they overcame that stumbling block.

Below is a link to a great article on how to get lean and the stumbling blocks that can sometimes occur.  As well as some good old to the point suggestions on how to get over those stumbling blocks.

I believe John Wooden said, "Don't let what you can't do, stop you from doing what you can do".

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Maybe I Shouldn't Do This, But Here You Go


I have to be honest with you.  I was asked NOT TO share this information with you.  I was told that this should be something that only clients that come to see me should receive.  I was told that, "It's information that the average person isn't going to appreciate without the guidance of regular visits to you or their nutrition counselor".

Well, I do tend to be a bit hard headed so what the heck.

I don't know where the idea came from, and honestly don't really care. But plain and simple, if you skip meals you will gain weight. 


Well if you've been following my posts this month, you know that going longer than 2.5-3.5 hours between meals is a recipe for disaster when it comes to your metabolism.  Your body needs to feed on a regular basis if it's going to keep burning stored calories (think fat) and maintain your lean tissue (think muscle).


Because the human body was built to survive.  Your ancestors out survived the dinosaurs for many reasons, one of which is that your body will slow down your metabolism when it receives insufficient calories on a regular basis (think skipping meals).  In that way you burn less energy and thus the survival of the species is ensured.

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Now granted, most of us are not on the verge of starvation nor is the population anywhere near being threatened for it's survival.  But your body doesn't know this.  It has survived for thousands of years using this type of survival mechanism and it's worked just fine.

Unless of course you're trying to lose weight.  Skipping meals in fact tells your body to not let go of any excess calories (think don't burn fat).  Whereas eating every 2.5-3.5 hours sends the message to your body that it does not need to store extra calories for survival because you will give it the nutrients it needs consistently.

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Now some people have had a hard time believing me.  While others have had a hard time wrapping their brain around such a concept.  So I thought it would be a good idea to share this TOP SECRET information.

Check out the link below.  I think you'll be surprised at how well the diagram explains the process.  And by all means, the next time someone tells you they don't eat breakfast because they're not hungry, just smile and hand them this diagram or email them this link.

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I think it's safe to say you've officially run out of excuses for missing meals.

Reasons or Results --

Here's A Little Refresher To Keep You On Track

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Without a doubt, physical pain questions are by far the one's I get most often.  It doesn't matter if you sit at a desk all day long, run every morning, or workout at the gym 3x/week.  If you're not doing some sort of well thought out stretching program in addition to self-massage, it's just a matter of when you'll have pain, not if.

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So for all the parts that tend to hurt, here's a little cheat sheet to get you out of pain fast and keep you that way.

Cheat Sheet

Of course, I'm sure you've already guessed that the second most popular questions I receive are those concerning nutrition.  With all of the misinformation out there in the media, it can truly be a chore to figure out what works and what doesn't.  It's really not that difficult believe it or not.

It boils down to a very basic principle when it comes to nutrition -- portion control.  Meaning having a template of what each and every meal should look like on your plate.  That's the easiest way by far to keep you on track with your nutrition.  Realistically I understand most people are not going to measure out their food.  It's much more accurate, but it's not realistic for the majority of the population.  Here's a simple trick/template to help you stay on track with your nutrition so you can see results by the time warm weather arrives.

Cheat Sheet 2

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So there you have it. 

Whether it's some sort of pain you're in that you're ready to be rid of, or if you need a little help getting started with an easy to use nutrition guide, the above two references should get you on track quickly and effectively. 

There's no need to be in pain, life is too short. 

And there's no reason to be confused about what works when it comes to nutrition.  Don't be mislead by slick media.

Get On Track and Stay On Track!

Mid-Week Motivation: Which Would You Rather Have?

This post has been floating around in my head for a few months now.  I've been reluctant to put these words down on paper for fear of alienating some of my readers.  I so don't want to disappoint you when you've taken the time to visit my post each week on motivation.

It's accurate, honest, and truthful.  But as one of my favorite quotes goes:

Character A says:
"There's what people want to hear.
Then there's what people want to believe;
There's everything else,
Then there's the truth."

Character B says:
"The truth is what makes people responsible".

Character A responds:
"Exactly, and that's exactly why people avoid it".

That being said, here we go.

I understand that it's part of being human to look for the most efficient way to accomplish any task or goal.  Believe me I get it.  That extra brain matter is what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.  Equally at some point you have to understand and believe that old adage, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is".

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So when you see all these unbelievable claims on TV spouting some secret weight loss remedy, pill, potion, or DVD set, it is just that, too good to be true.  Think about it for a minute.  Don't you think hundreds upon hundreds of people have already tried that system and not had the outstanding results the participants claim during the commercial?  If it was really that easy don't you think that the number of 61% of the population being overweight would have dropped considerably over the past few years?

It hasn't.  And from what I've been reading over the past few months, it's actually still climbing.  So obviously something is not quite right.

Here's an ad campaign for you: 

Guaranteed results or your money back.  Lose an average of 1.5 to 2lbs per week for the next 40 weeks and keep it off.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't think that ad campaign is going to go over to well.


Because it isn't outrageous enough.  It doesn't tell you something completely unbelievable and sell you something you already know has a slim chance of working.  It's flat.  It's boring.

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But unfortunately, it's the truth.

Sure when you first start exercising most people will lose anywhere from 7-10 pounds in the first few weeks.  But for most people that's about it.  Either they get distracted.  Don't like the structure of program X.  Or just give up because they didn't have the same results as were claimed by the TV personalities.

The truth

You will initially lose a significant amount of weight (hopefully body fat) when you follow a well rounded nutrition and exercise program.  But those results only happen in the beginning.  If you continue the program you will indeed continue to make progress, but it will slow down as your body adapts to the routine (whether it's food or exercise).

The secret is to keep going
.  Make minor tweaks in your nutrition or exercise, but keep going -- keep doing it.  There is no easy way to accomplish anything of value.  But you can be sure you'll never get lasting results if you don't stay with it.

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Don't believe the false hype.  Don't be lead to believe, just popping a pill is the answer.  Don't think just buying the DVD set is the beginning and the end of your responsibility.  Research the program, makes sure it's authentic and follow it.

Like anything in the life, the more you do it, the more proficient you become at it.  If you're in pain, you have to roll (self massage) and stretch daily at first, as uncomfortable as it is, and then it gets easier.  Want to get rid of those extra pounds? You have to pay attention to what you eat at each meal, and yes, it would be a very good idea for you to make your food the night before to help keep you on track.

So when I share my tips, tricks, motivation, and other strategies to assist you in getting results, know they work. I am committed to giving you information that works -- not making outrageous claims. But you have to stick with them, like anything else, to see the results.

Now that you have the truth --Go Out and Get It Done!

5 Breakfast Choices

I realize it may be hard to believe, but we are just about to begin March.  Which means the first quarter is almost over. 

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Stay with me here. 

Which means the first 3 months of the year are almost over.  How's your body transformation -- project, resolution, promise, or whatever you're calling it going?

You know you could just start off by having a good breakfast to start getting back on track.

I don't know how it happens, but for some reason breakfast seems to be the most difficult meal to get most people to eat consistently.  I've heard all the excuses from "I don't have time", to "I don't eat eggs", to "I'm really not that hungry in the morning". Trust me if you've been sleeping for 6-8 hours or more, your body is hungry -- even if you don't feel like eating. 
However, if you keep that pattern up, of not eating breakfast, you encourage your body to store calories as body fat.


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Because if you continue to tell your body it will be underfed the amount of calories it needs (which is what you do when you skip breakfast), it will do what it was made to do -- survive.  Thus it will store calories and slow your metabolism down, so that it can conserve energy (think a slow metabolism makes it extremely difficult to lose weight).

So whether you're working to get lean and ripped for summer, or just wanted to get rid of a few pounds, breakfast is the most efficient way to do that no matter how you slice it.

Being committed to your success, I'm going to make this super easy for those of you who consistently skip breakfast for any reason.  Below you'll find some easy recipes to get the right food in your stomach, and still get you to work on time.

Remember, when you eat a proper breakfast consistently you start your metabolism off right.  Meaning, you send the message to your body not to store calories because you will be feeding it the nutrients it needs consistently.

I'm sure you can find at least one option below that will suit your tastes and time schedule.

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Don't find an excuse.  Find the solution.

Check back with me next week and I will share with you some lunch options to help keep you on track and reaching your goals.

Mid-Week Motivation: Is It HOT Enough Yet?

Just the other morning a client said to me, "You know, I don't mind exercise, if it wasn't so uncomfortable to get started", then of course he laughed realizing his statement.

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It's kind of like saying, "I like taking showers, I just don't like getting wet". 

Or perhaps, "I love food, I just can't stand chewing".

And lastly, "I want to retire financially independent, but I don't want to budget my money".

I think you're starting to get the point.

Anything in life that you really want to achieve.  Anything in life that you really value and want to make part of your life, will initially be uncomfortable to do when you first get started.



Because changing any pattern, takes effort.  It means you have to stop running on auto-pilot and actually  manage your energy and behavior.  When you want to achieve something of value to you, you have to get past the initial discomfort and inconvenience of breaking old patterns (think habits) in order to start a new pattern/habit that will help you achieve that goal (think a happier you).

I'll be the first one to tell you it is not easy.  I truly believe we are, among other things, a species of habits.  Many of us take the same way to work each morning.  Some of you match the same shirt and tie each week.  Others continue to wait to eat until they are starving; eating whatever, regardless if it's on their nutrition plan or not.  And while we all know we should put away a few extra dollars each week for that get-away we so desperately need, we don't do it.

I could spend the day telling you to change your habits.  I could spend weeks, encouraging you to make your food the night before so when you're hungry you'll have the "right" food in front of you -- to keep you on track with your nutrition. I could spend years sharing with you the importance of setting a goal, and making a plan to achieve to it.

But ultimately it comes down to one thing and one thing only.

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You have to make the decision that you want your goal more than you want to be comfortable.  That's not an easy thing to do.  Which is why so many people continue to stay stuck in the same rut month after month, year after year.  It takes a bit of fire on the inside to challenge yourself to break the old unproductive patterns/habits. 

But successful people are willing to do just that.  What's the old saying, "Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do".  And by the way, success just means you set a goal and stuck to your plan long enough to achieve it.

There's one thing I do know for sure.  When the fire behind you gets hotter than the one in front of you, you will make a change that better suits you and gets you closer to your goal.

I believe in you.  I believe in your goals and dreams.  And even if I don't know you personally, I already know, if you're checking with me each week, you're serious about wanting a change in your life.

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There's only one thing standing between you and your goal.  Know what it is. . . . . . (wait for it). . . (wait for it). . .?

It's you being willing to pick just one thing, and take

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  • the first step to achieving it -- write it down and hang it up so you can see it each day. 

  • The second step, take some action, no matter how small, each day that will help you get closer to it.

  • Know the third step?  Repeat step 2 over and over until you reach your goal.

Now Go Out and Get It Done!