food choices

6-Pack By Summer?

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Want Your Midsection In Shape Before Summer?

Think Doing 1,000 Sit-Ups Will Get You There?

Think Starving Yourself Will Get You There? 

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then you better keep reading.



It's a simple guide, but one many forget; especially those that wait till the last minute and want instant results.  By the way, you can't cram for abs, like you crammed for tests back in school.  I don't care what the media tells you!


Getting lean and staying that way basically boils down to 3 consistent steps:


1.) Make a Plan:

     Yes, I'm sure you're tired of hearing me say it, but it's the truth.  There is no successful outcome without a plan!

     +  Make time to plan your meals and track them

     +  Make time to plan your fitness (if you're serious, you can't afford to miss workouts)

     +  Make time to get your rest.(transformation happens during recuperation--not while working out)

2.) Do Circuit Training:

     If time is an issue when it comes to working out, then circuits is the best way to go

     Ditch the social time workout

     +  Do cardio intervals to get the most out of your cardio time

     +  Try alternating upper and lower body exercises (3-5 exercises in a row)

3.) Consistent Good Nutrition:

     It doesn't have to be perfect, but better than you're eating now.

     +  3 meals per day containing a protein, carbohydrate, and fat (here -->)

     +  2 snacks per day that are basically "mini-meals" (one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon)

     + Cut down or eliminate the sugary drinks and go for water or ice tea (unsweetened).


It's honestly that simple.  Just like a travel itinerary or a retirement plan -- you have to make a plan and stick to it.  Doing these 3 simple steps consistently will get you the results you want and deserve.

Plate Chart

Mid-Week Motivation: Pizza?

Yes, I'm back from vacation.  Needed the downtime. Definitely feeling refreshed and ready to get back into the thick of things.


Even on vacation I can't seem to escape the marketing machine's grip.  I found some interesting facts about Pizza in one of my "poolside" reading magazines.  At first read I thought, "Wow, this is some good information to consider". But something just didn't seem real.  Then it hit me.

It almost made me pull out my hair, but then I remembered -- I don't have any.

Check out the short video below and see what I mean.

5 Breakfast Choices

I realize it may be hard to believe, but we are just about to begin March.  Which means the first quarter is almost over. 

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Stay with me here. 

Which means the first 3 months of the year are almost over.  How's your body transformation -- project, resolution, promise, or whatever you're calling it going?

You know you could just start off by having a good breakfast to start getting back on track.

I don't know how it happens, but for some reason breakfast seems to be the most difficult meal to get most people to eat consistently.  I've heard all the excuses from "I don't have time", to "I don't eat eggs", to "I'm really not that hungry in the morning". Trust me if you've been sleeping for 6-8 hours or more, your body is hungry -- even if you don't feel like eating. 
However, if you keep that pattern up, of not eating breakfast, you encourage your body to store calories as body fat.


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Because if you continue to tell your body it will be underfed the amount of calories it needs (which is what you do when you skip breakfast), it will do what it was made to do -- survive.  Thus it will store calories and slow your metabolism down, so that it can conserve energy (think a slow metabolism makes it extremely difficult to lose weight).

So whether you're working to get lean and ripped for summer, or just wanted to get rid of a few pounds, breakfast is the most efficient way to do that no matter how you slice it.

Being committed to your success, I'm going to make this super easy for those of you who consistently skip breakfast for any reason.  Below you'll find some easy recipes to get the right food in your stomach, and still get you to work on time.

Remember, when you eat a proper breakfast consistently you start your metabolism off right.  Meaning, you send the message to your body not to store calories because you will be feeding it the nutrients it needs consistently.

I'm sure you can find at least one option below that will suit your tastes and time schedule.

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Don't find an excuse.  Find the solution.

Check back with me next week and I will share with you some lunch options to help keep you on track and reaching your goals.

4 Easy Tips To Transform and Reach Your Goals

I don't know how many of you had a chance to read the latest on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans , but I've taken the liberty of including it.

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Not that you actually needed a reason to get on track and stay on track, but I think this article is very eye opening and a good kick in the pants to anyone on the fence about improving their health.

Many Americans' diets are a train wreck — loaded with junk food, fast food, sugary beverages and too few healthful foods. So it's no surprise that the federal government's new dietary guidelines, being released today, recommend people get...   2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines

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I believe much of the problem of the American dietary habits has a great deal to do with great advertising (for unhealthy foods) and too much bad information about what it really takes to change your body.  Heck, there is so much misinformation out there, it's all I can do to keep up slaying all those dragons for you and providing the truth.

  • How much cardio should I do and what type works the best?

  • Should I do cardio in the morning before I eat breakfast -- I heard that I can burn more calories that way?

  • Does lifting weights help in losing weight faster?

  • How should I organize my meals?

  • What about "such and such" diet, my friend got great results on it?

  • How important is sleep really?

Let's take it one step at a time, keep it real, and live in reality.

1.) Cardio serves two main purposes:

     * To improve the functioning of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels
     * Burns calories by stimulating your metabolism

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My experience is, if you've been consistently training for at least 6 months, do intervals a minimum of 3x/week. Figure 10-20minutes at a time utilizing the interval method.  And as far as when to do it -- only worry about that after you've been consistently doing your cardio routine for 4-6 weeks AND following your nutrition plan.  Then you can worry about what time of day.  There are no shortcuts.

No matter what anyone tells you --There is no magic cardio machine.  You can do intervals using your favorite cardio machine, or choose different alternatives to the same old grind. (battling ropes, kettlebells, bike riding, stairs, swimming)

2.) Using weights is essential if your goal is to lose body fat quickly while maintaining muscle.  Try doing circuits (4-7 movements in a row before taking a 2 minute break).  Repeat the process 3-4 times.  You'll get quicker results in half the time.


3.) There is no magic diet.  The nutrition program that works is the one that fits your tastes, budget, and time constraints.  It only works if you use it consistently.  Don't skip or eliminate food groups. Every meal should contain a protein, carb (starchy and veggies), and fat (figure 4-5 meals per day; 3 regular meals and a morning and afternoon snack).  Here's a quick and easy reminder when it comes to planning your meals (quick reminder).

4.) Sleep is Important.  Everyone is different.  However it's safe to say you'll need 6-8 hours/night minimum if you're going to transform your body quickly.  Studies have shown a lack of sleep actually sabotages weight loss.

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Below I'm including a bonus to get you from OK to OUTSTANDING as quickly as possible.  But of course you'll have to apply the information for it to work (think 1% information--90% application).

The KISS Method for Fast Body Transformation

It doesn't get much easier than that.  Try out and let me know what you think.  Be prepared for some serious physical changes.

Get on Track and Stay on Track!

Mid-Week Motivation: Are You Ready For Success?

It's a new month.  And we are on the cusp of another holiday season.  What's your commitment to, comfort or success? So many people say they want success, but seem to miss this one point that would literally change their efforts from frustration to success.

Check out today's video blog and start being a success.

Need Help? 2 Easy Recipes to Keep You On Track

Happy November 1st.

Why, because this is usually the beginning of when people begin to lose their focus.  Feeling the pressure of the pending holiday rush of food, gifts, and crazed schedules, people often forget to put themselves in that list of important things to do today.

Don't leave yourself out.  You're ability to get through this holiday season has a lot to do with your willingness to commit to not leaving yourself off of the proverbial list. 

Let me make this plain and simple. No matter how much you get done in a day, paying for it by being miserable the whole time your doing it or completely trashing your system with horrible food choices and no physical activity doesn't serve anyone -- especially you.  You don't get a medal for getting your list done, but neglecting yourself.  And you and I both know, with a little planning you can get your list of "to-do's" done, as well as take good care of yourself.

Staying in line with those thoughts, one of the biggest complaints I hear about being able to keep on track with nutrition is that it "takes too long to cook a meal that tastes good and is good for you".  Well that's not completely true. Below are two more recipes for quick meals that take 20 minutes or less to make and are good for you.  Throw some veggies and a starchy carb in and you're set to go.  Leaving you plenty of time to still get that growing list of things -- done.  Stay on track.  You've worked way too hard to lose your momentum now.
But of course for those of you that are committed to feeling crappy, having low energy, and taking years off your life, you're welcome to continue to poison yourself with fast food. 

It's your choice. Make one that moves you forward and not backward.

Recipe #1 -- Lemon Chicken (Lemon_Chicken1.doc)

Recipe #2 -- Tilapia with Caponata (Tilapia_with_Caponata1.doc)

These recipes are courtesy of A Recipe for Life by the Doctor's Dietitian -- Susan Dopart, M.S., R.D.
Thanks Susan