
6-Pack By Summer?

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Want Your Midsection In Shape Before Summer?

Think Doing 1,000 Sit-Ups Will Get You There?

Think Starving Yourself Will Get You There? 

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then you better keep reading.



It's a simple guide, but one many forget; especially those that wait till the last minute and want instant results.  By the way, you can't cram for abs, like you crammed for tests back in school.  I don't care what the media tells you!


Getting lean and staying that way basically boils down to 3 consistent steps:


1.) Make a Plan:

     Yes, I'm sure you're tired of hearing me say it, but it's the truth.  There is no successful outcome without a plan!

     +  Make time to plan your meals and track them

     +  Make time to plan your fitness (if you're serious, you can't afford to miss workouts)

     +  Make time to get your rest.(transformation happens during recuperation--not while working out)

2.) Do Circuit Training:

     If time is an issue when it comes to working out, then circuits is the best way to go

     Ditch the social time workout

     +  Do cardio intervals to get the most out of your cardio time

     +  Try alternating upper and lower body exercises (3-5 exercises in a row)

3.) Consistent Good Nutrition:

     It doesn't have to be perfect, but better than you're eating now.

     +  3 meals per day containing a protein, carbohydrate, and fat (here -->)

     +  2 snacks per day that are basically "mini-meals" (one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon)

     + Cut down or eliminate the sugary drinks and go for water or ice tea (unsweetened).


It's honestly that simple.  Just like a travel itinerary or a retirement plan -- you have to make a plan and stick to it.  Doing these 3 simple steps consistently will get you the results you want and deserve.

Plate Chart

Here's The First One For Core

Last month after sharing with you some very challenging exercise on the suspension straps, I promised to provide you with some new movements for core that you can do on the Swiss Ball.

Actually, as I'm sure you already know, getting results and providing an effective workout for my clients is all about understanding progressions.  Meaning understanding how to go from simple to complex with any given movement/exercise.  Unfortunately most people go for the most "interesting"-- usually meaning the more difficult progression of an exercise.  Probably because it looks so impressive to observe. However you have to understand that it is probably being done by someone who has already put in the time doing the previous progressions.

Not following the order of easy to difficult is a good way to get injured.

In regards to the core, start off doing your movements from the ground (obviously a very stable surface).  Then proceed to a more challenging version of the exercise by moving to the Swiss Ball (which provides some instability and increased challenge), then consider using the suspension straps after mastering the previous movements.  That way you don't risk injury and can be sure you will keep making progress as well as keeping your routine interesting.

So by example, this is what a good challenging progression would look like (in the second video I show you all 3 options):

Now it's important for you to understand that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of progressions that could be followed.  This is just an example of one way to do it (from the ground, to the Swiss ball, to the wheel, and then of course the suspension straps).  The key is to not allow your ego to get ahead of your skills -- that's a recipe for injury.

Bottom line is to keep moving forward challenging yourself with different movements and types of equipment so that you can keep motivated and making progress.

Be sure to check back in with me next week for another new movement for core using the Swiss Ball.

Ok, Here's The Last One On Suspension Straps

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Well this is the last exercise for the series on different movements you can do on the suspension straps (Jungle Gym XT). Of course there are literally hundreds of movements you can do on the straps, but as the month comes to a close I want to move on to share some new movements using the Swiss Ball.

Yes, I do realize that I say it all the time. 

Core fitness is 70-80% of being truly fit

The truth is, you can't perform to near your capability or avoid injury as well if your core is not fit and functional.  And I'm not just talking about being lean and having a 6-pack to show off.  Heck, that's just a matter of having a great metabolism and/or sticking to a good nutrition program.  No, having a 6-pack to show off has nothing to do with how well your core functions.

The funny thing is no matter what your sport, a strong and stable core is the basis of all movement.  Ask someone with back or hip pain how important is a strong and stable core.  And for those of you stuck at a desk all day long it's even more important. 


Because you're stuck at a desk all day long in a seated position. Your core is literally shut off for most of the day.  Muscles function better the more you use them.  Kind of like your brain.  The more you exercise virtually any muscle, the better it will function and ideally the longer it will last.

Thus the importance of exercising a minimum of 4-5 times per week.  Your body, your hormones, your mind and your spirit need that challenge to continue to function at their best.  Like your brain, if you don't exercise it regularly it goes bad a lot sooner than you realize.  Trust me on that one.

But I digress.

Today, I wanted to share with you one more version of the core exercise commonly known as plank.  In this version you are forced to have a strong and stable core as it relates to each side of your body independently, not just when both legs are there to support you.  It's a great next step after you've mastered last weeks example.

Remember, check back in with me each Friday next month where I will be sharing some core exercises using the Swiss Ball.

Let's Add Another One To The List

I know you've heard it over and over again, but I'm unfortunately going to say it again.  I hope I don't offend you in the process:

Transforming your body (think getting rid of body fat) is 80% nutrition

Having a fit body (think being able to do the things you truly like and not risk getting hurt) is 70-80% core fitness

Sometimes people jump to conclusions, so let me be really specific so I don't get misquoted.

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Yes, you can do less than 80% on your nutrition and still get results.  The problem is I have only met a hand full of people that are willing to train that hard, or the person has incredible genetics and doesn't have to work that hard.  And by the way, there are very few people in the latter group.

Most of us do have to monitor what we eat and how much.  It's part of the process.  If you want your body to change you have to do something different than you've been doing, to get results.  Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results is . . . .

Well, you know what that's called.

So it stands to reason that if you want to avoid back pain, you're going to have to do something different than those monotonous crunches.  Sure you'll feel a burn in your midsection, but that doesn't mean you're really training your core effectively.  I fell asleep on my arm the other day and when I woke up it tingled.  But I'm pretty sure that didn't mean I had trained my arm effectively.

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If you haven't been training core and need some movements to help get you started, check out You Tube Channel. Or stay tuned because next month, each Friday, I'll be sharing with you some core movements using the Swiss Ball.  It's a great next step after doing the one's listed on my channel.

Now, if you've been training core you already know the benefits and importance of doing those movements regularly.  But once in a while it's nice to throw in a little variety to keep things interesting and motivating.

Here's another one to add to the list. 

Core Fitness 4th and Final

First off, I do hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving celebration.  It's a great time to reflect and give thanks for all the things you do have.  A time to sincerely appreciate friends, family, and all of those people who have truly made a difference in your life throughout the year.  It's also a great time to reflect on the how the year has progressed and what you want to keep doing next year, as well as the things you want to change.

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I must be honest with you.  I have yet to meet a person that trained their core too much. So I know this months exercises will be a great addition to your regular workouts.

Keep making your lists, keep making sure to put you on that list, and be sure to get your meals in every 3-4 hours.  I promise it will make for a much more enjoyable holiday season.

Click on the video below to get your next core exercise.  Let's make sure you're one step ahead of everyone else as this year comes to a close.

Core Fitness 3

Here we are at week 3 of November.  Time is certainly flying by.  But truth be told, it's just a reminder that the holiday season is upon us.  Right about now is when most of us begin to feel the time crunch of Thanksgiving quickly approaching us, hoping we don't over-indulge yet again this year.  It's also the time when the Christmas shopping countdown begins -- becoming more frantic with each passing week.

But I know all of you have self-control.  You aren't going to let the same thing happen this year that threw you off track last year.  This year you're going to make sure you keep yourself on that long list of "things to do".  This year you'll make sure to stop when your body says it's had enough.  You'll wait a few hours and then go back if you still want more. This year you're not going to wait till the last minute to get your shopping done.

And since you've made those commitments, here is your next exercise to keep you on track.  You use your core every single day of your life.  There really is no "time-off" from keeping this all important part of your body in shape and functional.  Besides, you already figured out back pain is really no fun.

Core Fitness 2

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Sure you could just ignore this valuable bit of information.  I mean you're already in the best shape you ever been in. Why tamper with perfection?

On the other hand, if you're like me and still have tons you would like to accomplish in your life, then taking this valuable bit of information may be a good idea.  I mean why wait till late spring or early summer, like most people do, and then attempt to do some kind of crash abs program to get your abs/core in shape and ready for the warmer weather. 

You know, you do need your core to function properly just as much in the winter as you do the summer.  You're still sitting at a desk for much of the day or stuck in traffic behind the wheel on your commute. Remember that's how back pain starts, being stuck in awkward positions for extended periods of time. 

But then again, back pain is not such a big deal, right?  Yeah, keep telling yourself that . . . . . . or you could click on the video below and be ahead of the game.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness discusses and demonstrates the proper execution of the Plank. Great exercise for core/ab development. A strong core is at le...

Core Fitness

Last month I shared with you some exercises to help you fight SB Syndrome.  And if you've been practicing/using them regularly you know how well they work.

This month I want to share some exercises for the core.  I know many people, some of them even trainers, believe that the elusive 6-pack is all about how many crunches you do each week.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  While doing abdominal exercises will indeed tone the midsection, nutrition is the larger key in creating that all important 6-pack that so many people desire.  However, now here's the kicker, just because you have a 6-pack, doesn't mean that you have a strong core or that your abs work effectively.

The bottom line is that you have to do both: core/ab exercises as well as a proper nutrition program in order to get that "ripped" midsection look.  And you know me, it's not just about the vanity aspect of having a nice set of abs.  There is an all important functional aspect as well.  How well your core functions (as well as your glutes if you'll remember last months posts) often determines whether or not you'll have back pain. Want to get rid of back pain or just make sure you don't ever have to experience it, try the movements I'll share with you each Friday this month and I can almost guarantee you won't have to worry about pain in your lower back.

Here's the first movement I'd like to share to help you get your core in shape and looking good.

Kurt Elder of Energy F/X Fitness discusses and demonstrates one of the best core exercises around. Research says this movement activates more abdominal muscl...