get lean

6-Pack By Summer?

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Want Your Midsection In Shape Before Summer?

Think Doing 1,000 Sit-Ups Will Get You There?

Think Starving Yourself Will Get You There? 

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then you better keep reading.



It's a simple guide, but one many forget; especially those that wait till the last minute and want instant results.  By the way, you can't cram for abs, like you crammed for tests back in school.  I don't care what the media tells you!


Getting lean and staying that way basically boils down to 3 consistent steps:


1.) Make a Plan:

     Yes, I'm sure you're tired of hearing me say it, but it's the truth.  There is no successful outcome without a plan!

     +  Make time to plan your meals and track them

     +  Make time to plan your fitness (if you're serious, you can't afford to miss workouts)

     +  Make time to get your rest.(transformation happens during recuperation--not while working out)

2.) Do Circuit Training:

     If time is an issue when it comes to working out, then circuits is the best way to go

     Ditch the social time workout

     +  Do cardio intervals to get the most out of your cardio time

     +  Try alternating upper and lower body exercises (3-5 exercises in a row)

3.) Consistent Good Nutrition:

     It doesn't have to be perfect, but better than you're eating now.

     +  3 meals per day containing a protein, carbohydrate, and fat (here -->)

     +  2 snacks per day that are basically "mini-meals" (one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon)

     + Cut down or eliminate the sugary drinks and go for water or ice tea (unsweetened).


It's honestly that simple.  Just like a travel itinerary or a retirement plan -- you have to make a plan and stick to it.  Doing these 3 simple steps consistently will get you the results you want and deserve.

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Now This Is Some Good Stuff!

No matter how you slice it, you can't transform your body if you don't transform your eating first. (Yes, pun intended)

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There are no two ways about it.

All the excuses in the world won't create the results you want if you don't at least start making a daily effort to change what you eat. Now that doesn't mean you have to change overnight.  You can do it in a gradual process.  I generally suggest to my clients to pick one meal they will commit to eating in the right proportions, at the right time, consistently (daily).  That way they don't have to feel overwhelmed with making a complete change overnight.  After 2 weeks of getting that one meal in each day, I ask them to then pick a second meal, and so on, until the entire day is covered -- one meal at a time.

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There are all sorts of tips and tricks you can use to get yourself motivated and to make the process easier.  Need a few suggestions?

Here are 5 Simple Solutions that will definitely help.

But let's be honest.  Sometimes losing weight has to do with a little deeper issue.  Sometimes we place the responsibility outside of ourselves as the reason why we haven't gotten rid of those extra pounds.  Sound like you or someone you know?

Check out this link to put things back in perspective -- The Blame Game

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If the above two don't really seem to apply to you, perhaps your challenge is to have a better plan in place to make the process of getting that one meal or more on track -- with as little thinking as possible. 

No problem.  I've got that covered as well.  Here's Meal Plans for Weight Loss to help you get on track by providing you with 7 days of meal options.  Now maybe all the meals don't quite fit your palate.  Don't let that stop you.  Find the ones that do and use the one's I've provided to help fill in the blanks.

Well, it looks like you're running out of excuses to not be ready for the warmer weather ahead.

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Don't Let Life Get in the Way of Your Progress!